Presenting visual and performance art in unexpected public spaces.

AiOP 2017: SENSE- Get to Know This Year’s Artists! Jenny Polak

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Name: Jenny Polak

Project Title and Short Description

My project name is probably 7th Sense. It imagines the concept of safety and sanctuary as one of ‘the senses’

Why do you believe 14th Street is a compelling site for creative response?

14th street is busy and has a number of different immigrant communities intersecting in it. I hope to work with a few of the available potential sanctuary spaces – both religious and secular, in the vicinity.

Jenny Polak

What reactions are you hoping to draw from the public?

The New Sanctuary Coalition already has relationships with several of the nearby religious centers that will be mentioned on the sign.

I hope people think about seeking sanctuary if they are unsafe and about giving others sanctuary if someone you know needs it.

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