Presenting visual and performance art in unexpected public spaces.

AiOP 2017: SENSE- Get to Know This Year’s Artists! Quintín Rivera Toro

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Quentín Rivera Toro

Title of project: “Quoting Lives” – I propose to present large scale projections of memorable quotes, typed live, which will cite historical figures and their words of wisdom. These thoughts will come from individuals from all walks of life as to represent diversity of thinking. Once the sun has set every night during the festival, I will take my place, their thoughts, ideas and concepts. For 6 hours every night, these live typing sessions, a kind of “omniscient voice”, will intervene the public space and speak to all pedestrians and drivers alike on a personal level, while also reflecting on the ideas of the collective consciousness of the city itself. These quotes will range from philosophical to sentimental, from self critical to emotional, and will speak to its audience from a personal, vulnerable place of honesty.

How have you chosen to interpret the theme “SENSE?”

I believe there is a very sensitive philosophy behind SENSE, and its difficult to capture its essence. This is why I have chosen to interpret it through the words of others before us, using the wisdom of historic figures who have etched their words in our collective global memories.

Quintín Rivera Toro

Quintín Rivera Toro

Why do you believe 14th Street is a compelling site for creative response?

I lived in the East Village for about four years in the early 2000’s. I was able to witness the vibrancy and intensity of its commerce, the confluence of its people and its many social manifestations. People gathered to protest, celebrate or transit through, and in this sense, similar to other places like it, 14th street is loaded with a certain energy that only history has been able to witness, since we are just a drop in the ocean, while we transit these grounds.

What reactions are you hoping to draw from the public?

Mainly internal reflection and self analysis. I hope to have a sustained dialogue via my facebook page with the participants who send in their chosen memorable quotes. I hope this way to activate both the real world and the cyber world in an effort to promote the energy this collective show will generate.

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