Presenting visual and performance art in unexpected public spaces.

Author Archives: Art in Odd Places

(Previously managed by Furusho von Puttkammer)

AiOP Website Designer + Developer Carey Estes honored at 18th Annual Webby Awards

By Matthew Morowitz Art in Odd Places (AiOP) is proud to announce that our very own website designer + developer, Carey Estes, was officially announced as an honoree at the 18th Annual Webby Awards for his work on the 2013 AiOP: NUMBER festival website.  The Webby Awards, presented by the International Academy of Digital Arts […]

The Kite Collective: A Lookback

By Matthew Morowitz In December of 2012, Art in Odd Places (AiOP) ran a feature on The Kite Collective, a collective of kite enthusiasts and makers.  Back then, the Collective was running playlabs in NYC, working on installing kite machines, and had organized their “Kite Relief” initiative to help those affected by Hurricane Sandy in […]