Presenting visual and performance art in unexpected public spaces.

Author Archives: Art in Odd Places

(Previously managed by Furusho von Puttkammer)

AiOP 2014: FREE Sneak Peek! eteam “Nothing is free”

Your name/collaborative or group name eteam The title of your project Nothing is free “Nothing for free.” Photo courtesy of eteam. What does “FREE” mean to you? Email is free, social networks are free, streaming music is free, online storage is free, streaming videos are free, phone calls are free, shipping is free. Yet none […]

AiOP 2014: FREE Sneak Peek! 0H10M1KE & TJ “Drive-By Portraiture”

Your name/collaborative or group name: 0H10M1KE & TJ Title of your project: Drive-By Portraiture 0H10M1KE (right) & TJ providing roadside coffee during dinner theatre performance Mobile Picnic (2009).  Photo credit: Naomi Miller What does “FREE” mean to you? There’s no free lunch; everything requires time and effort. DIY Terms like ‘Free’ and ‘Self-produced’ are often misleading […]