Presenting visual and performance art in unexpected public spaces.

Tag Archives: chance

Paul Notzold’s work is probably better than your Blackberry Messenger.

Our next AiOP artist is a big believer of projection, not the Freudian term, but the use of projectors in public spaces. Let us meet Paul Notzold. His project for the festival, TXTual Healing, will require the following things: a projector, a text message-capable cellphone and a building facade. Oh, I also have to mention […]

Paul Notzold's work is probably better than your Blackberry Messenger.

Our next AiOP artist is a big believer of projection, not the Freudian term, but the use of projectors in public spaces. Let us meet Paul Notzold. His project for the festival, TXTual Healing, will require the following things: a projector, a text message-capable cellphone and a building facade. Oh, I also have to mention […]