Presenting visual and performance art in unexpected public spaces.

Tag Archives: rob andrews

Rob Andrews presents: DOOR WORK –> OPENING OCTOBER 22

DOOR WORK October 22-November 5, 2011 /opening Oct 22 – performance begins at 8pm/ English Kills Art Gallery English Kills Art Gallery presents DOOR WORK, the first full solo exhibition of Rob Andrews’ work after a decade of rigorous investigation into the nature of myth, ritual, and the role of the storyteller. DOOR WORK hews […]

In exchange of your support, Rob Andrews might give you a pedicure

We typically view the word “ritual” as a very religious, almost snooty, act. However, the word can also invoke a sense of “regularity”: an activity done to simply bring order. It could be as elaborate as ceremonies, but ritual could be about doing simple things: such as cleaning or taking a bath. Our next artist […]