Presenting visual and performance art in unexpected public spaces.

Thinker in Residence: Nicole Goodwin

Thinkers in Residence spend time on 14th Street over the festival weekend reflecting on 14th Street, patterns of movement, artists, pedestrians, publics, personal reflections, and participation. Their responses take the form of writing, walking, image-making, poetry, or on-the-spot conversations with the public.

And now the observations of Nicole Goodwin.

Deformed (The Stress of Being Imprisoned By Silence)

                                    -For All the Immigrant Children

All my life I’ve been silently


Clear as day, I see the vision in my mind

A destiny that I am supposed to have but in reality

Is lost to me.

Someone else is living my dreams.

I holler—mouth-wide open.

Out comes no sound; nothing resonates.

Ayuadame is scratched into my eyes.

I cry the word out!                                                                              Rat-tat, rat-tat

Through crystal tears.

My cries go unheeded.

My pain goes on,                                                                                Unnoticed. 


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